Now showing items 1-20 of 1068

      10 Reasons to Think Urban Now in Africa [1]
      12th Session of the Regional Coordination Mechanism of UN Agencies and Organizations Working in Africa in Support of the African Union and Its NEPAD Programme [1]
      16 Days of Activism [1]
      17th Internet Governance Forum 2022 (IGF2022) Official Opening Ceremony [1]
      2014 Conference on Land Policy in Africa [1]
      2017 Conference on Land Policy in Africa - Day 2 [1]
      2017 Conference on Land Policy in Africa - Day 3 [1]
      The 2017 Conference on Land Policy in Africa: the Africa We Want [1]
      2019 Innovation Challenge Awards [1]
      The 2022 UNDP Bureau for Africa Cluster Meeting of Resident Representatives with the UN Deputy Secretary General at the Fifth Session of the United Nations Environment Assembly [1]
      2023 Africa Dialogue Series (ADS) [1]
      The 22nd Gender is My Agenda Campaign (GIMAC) Network Consultative Meeting [1]
      The 29 Meeting of Intergovernmental Committee of senior officials and experts of southern Africa [1]
      30th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union (AU) [1]
      44th Session of the Economic Commission for Africa [1]
      The 4th Africa Business Forum [1]
      The 7th edition of the Coding Camp for Connected Girls in Africa [1]
      7th Session of the Committee on Trade, Regional Cooperation & Integration [1]
      The 9th African Regional Conference on Women (Beijing +20) [1]
      Abdalla Hamdok Deputy Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) Made a Remark at International Women's Day Celebration 2012 [1]