COM 2024: Reports of the subregional intergovernmental committees of senior officials and experts on their sessions, introduced by the Director of the Subregional Office for West Africa, ECA
2024-02-28Author(s)/Corporate Author (s)
United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa;Metadata
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“United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa (2024-02-28). COM 2024: Reports of the subregional intergovernmental committees of senior officials and experts on their sessions, introduced by the Director of the Subregional Office for West Africa, ECA. UN. ECA Session of the Economic Commission for Africa (56th: 2024, MAR. 4-5: Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe); UN.ECA Committee of Experts of the Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development (42nd: 2024, FEB.28-MAR. 1: Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe). Addis Ababa. © UN. ECA.”Conférence
UN. ECA Session of the Economic Commission for Africa (56th: 2024, MAR. 4-5: Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe)UN.ECA Committee of Experts of the Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development (42nd: 2024, FEB.28-MAR. 1: Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe)