Voici les éléments 1-20 de 23

      Media Briefing at the Fifty-First Session of the Commission [1]
      Meeting for Preparation for the Africa Conference of Ministers - COM2022 [1]
      Meeting of Committee of Experts of the Seventh Joint Annual Meetings of the Economic Commission for Africa Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development and African Union Conference of Ministers of Economy and Finance [1]
      Meeting on the Third General Assembly of the Forum of Former African Heads of State and Government at COM 2015 [1]
      Message CEA Du President Zlec [1]
      Ministerial Panel Discussion on Topical Social and Economic Issues [1]
      The Ministerial Policy Debate on the theme: Meeting Africa's New Challenges in the 21st Century [1]
      Ministerial Roundtable: Addressing the Impact of Drought, Floods and Declining Commodity Prices in Africa [1]
      Mme Lilia Naas Hachem, Directrice, CEA Afrique du Nord, a Commenté sur la 52ème Session de la Commission E'conomique pour L'Afrique [1]
      Monica Mutsvangwa, Minister in Charge of Small and Medium Enterprises COM 2024, Here's Why SMEs Are Key to Africa's Growth [1]
      MoU Signing Ceremony by ECA and Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa [1]
      Mr. Abdalla Hamdok, Deputy Exectutive Secretary, UNECA, Made a Remark on the Experts Plenary Sessions at the Conference of Ministers [1]
      Mr. Abdoulie Janneh's Opening Speech on the Innovation Prize for Africa 2012 - Part One [1]
      Mr. Abdoulie Janneh, UN Executive Secretary of the ECA Opening Statement Committee of Experts of the 5th Joint Annual Meetings of the AU Conference of Ministers Part One [1]
      Mr. Abdoulie Janneh, UN Executive Secretary of the ECA Opening Statement Committee of Experts of the 5th Joint Annual Meetings of the AU Conference of Ministers Part Two [1]
      Mr. Anthony Mehlwana an Economic Affairs Officer at the Economic Commission for Africa Speaking at the Conference of Africa Ministers of Finance, Planning, and Economic Development (COM2023) [1]
      Mr. Antonio Pedro, Acting Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, Speaks on the Margins of the 55th Session of the Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia [1]
      Mr. Oliver Chinganya, Director, African Center for Statistics, ECA Commented About the Fifth Conference of African Ministers Responsible for Civil Registration [1]
      Mr. Said Adejumobi, Director SPORD, and Organizer of the Adedeji Lecture Series Gave a Comment About the Lecture at the 53rd Session of the Economic Commission for Africa [1]
      Mr. Said Adejumobi, Strategic Planning, Oversight and Results, Director, UNECA, Gave His Comment at the 55th Session of the Economic Commission for Africa (COM23) [1]